( // required: \name: "BufferTool", \path: "BufferTool", // almost always the same as the quark name \summary: "A wrapper object for Buffers which holds addtional information", \author: "Charles Cˇleste Hutchins", // optional: \version: 1.0, // must be a float //\organization: "My Organization", \country: "United Kindingdom", \since: "2009", \helpdoc: "BufferTool.html", //\ext_dependancy: "Information on additional software needed to run this quark properly", \url: "http://www.berkeleynoise.com/celesteh/podcast/?page_id=63", // If the quark depends on other quarks, you can specify it as a list containing: // (1) strings (just the quark name) //\dependencies: "nameOfDependantQuark" // (2) key->value pairs (name->version) // \dependencies: [("nameOfDependantQuark" -> 1.0)] // or (3) arrays with info in this order: [name, version, repositoryBaseUrl] // \dependencies: [["nameOfDependantQuark", 1.0, "https://svn.weirdserver.be/trunk/weirdquarks"]] )