Category Archives: Shorts

A series of short pieces, all around 1 minute long. Rather than fight my short attention span, I am embracing it.

Short Attention Span: #3 Sproing

[play] Short Attention Span: #3 Sproing (2007)

Continuing to embrace rather than fight my short attention span, here is the third one in the series.

This one was made with a MOTM analog synthesizer controlling a Sherman filter bank. The source sounds where ticks of white noise modulated with some FM sounds.

I would not characterize the filter bank as “intuitive.” I decided not to get one years ago, but then I went to a show a few weeks ago and was so blown away by somebody using one, that it caused me to change my mind. The learning curve is steep, though. They could really use a better manual and the diagrams of signal paths stencilled to the outside are very incomplete.


Short Attention Span: #2 Glitch

[play] Short Attention Span: #2 Glitch (2007)

Continuing to embrace rather than fight my short attention span, here is the second one in the series.

The sounds were generated in the BEA 5 lab in Sonology at the Royal Conservatory of the Netherlands in The Hague. There were mixed with a remote-controlled macmini running Ardour and Audacity. My lab partners Dave and Tomer most likely contributed to the source sounds.


Short Attention Span: #1 Buildup

[play] Short Attention Span: #1 Buildup (2007)

Rather than fight my short attention span, I’ve decided to embrace it and do a series of really short works. This is the first in the series.

The sounds were recorded in the massive analog synthesizer in BEA 5 in Sonology, in the Royal Conservatory, in The Hague, the Netherlands. The mixing was done with Ardour running on a macmini, but displaying remotely on my laptop with X windows. I can’t recall the patches used for the sounds, except that they involved a 200 kilo plate reverb. Tomer may have contributed to this.
